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Niche Vendors

How do niche vendors survive in this market place? Answer: rather well, in some cases.


I'm turning more of my attention to the best-in-breed vendors these days, because I think new and quite workable business models are evolving for them.

In this piece, I want to talk about some of those models and why they work for some and might work for others. In some cases, companies that B2B Analysts, Inc., follows quite closely are moving towards these models; I'll cover companies like i2 (and SSA) in later issues.

Best-in-breed has seemed pretty hopeless the last few years. You can see the proof in downtown San Francisco, or even here in Cambridge, in all the For Rent signs and the shadows on doors where gold lettering once stood.

It's time to realize, though, that the rules of dot-bomb-ery forced people to make bad decisions about how software companies should be structured and what their arc of success should be.

The Rules

We all know those rules.

  • A software company must dominate its market.
  • The company must prove its dominance by experiencing stupendous growth. (The pattern follows what my old colleague, Brian Sommer, calls "The Witch's Hat," flat at first, then sharply upward, then flat, then just as sharply downward.)
  • Margins must be very high, and these are achieved by selling licenses and getting others to run the lower-margin services businesses.
  • The software must be based on a technology (during the dot-bomb, it was an http interface, silly as that now sounds) that renders competitors obsolete and gives it an overwhelming advantage in the marketplace because purchasing the software is a natural consequence of a technology upgrade cycle.

Following these rules gave rise to a business strategy that runs something like this:

  • Find a large area of business (like "buying" or "selling") that needs automation and tag the market for the automation with a TLA (three letter acronym).
  • Announce that you have achieved market dominance in this area.
  • Develop software based on new technology.
  • Invest heavily in industry influencers. (We would never call this, "bribe the analysts.")
  • Use the resulting publicity and FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) to sell as many people as possible Hope that the software you deliver works.
  • Wait to become the next Microsoft.

Good as it sounds, it didn't work.

Most of the TLA areas were way too small to yield venture capitalists a 10x return on their investment. Buyers in those areas displayed too much common sense to generate high growth rates. Where there really was some market interest, the price of entry turned out to be too low. The big platform players (SAP, PSFT, SEBL, ORCL) immediately announced an equivalent product and used the same marketing dollars (analysts are easy) to establish their "leadership." Their announcements froze the market.

It turned out to be a mug's game. Either you pick a bad area and die of asphyxiation. Or, as soon as you begin to succeed, you're strangled by the platform players.

Playing the Mug's Game

But what if you change the rules? I think you can build a company that is quite, quite successful: profitable, growing, and, at the same time, establishing a very respectable annuity.

During the dot-bomb, everyone said that software was a great business because you could print as many CDs as you want, so your margins were terrific. I say that the great thing about software is that you can sell it at list and next year sell it again at 17% of list (or, if you're PeopleSoft, 20% of list). And next year. And next year.

If your rules exploit this wonderful fact about software, rather than the fact that you can print CDs quickly, I think you can do better. So I'm suggesting some anti-rules, rules that break the dot-bomb rules.

  • Build software that deals with a business problem, not an area of business. Hint: if you can describe it with a TLA, it's probably not a business problem.
  • Design for repeatability, but deliver custom solutions.
  • Make long-term profitability, not growth, your primary goal.

If you follow these anti-rules, there are several different ways you can build a best-in-breed company.

Grab an Architectural Edge

This is the best strategy, because if it works, it is unassailable. Basically, you look at a business problem that "standard" application companies simply can't solve, because their architecture is inadequate. You create an application that solves the problem by using a special-purpose design. Then you find customers who need to have that problem solved.

This strategy can work because the platform players grew originally by underbuilding and overselling. In the process they looked at a lot of specialized problems and said, "Let's not bother." Their reasoning was as follows:

  • "Solving these problems takes too much time, which slows our time to market, and it takes a lot of development talent, which is in short supply."
  • "A more complex product will be harder to maintain, install, and troubleshoot, because it does more."
  • "We can't sell enough of this. The potential customers anount to only a segment of our total installed base."

This reasoning left oppportunities behind. Not golden opportunities, unfortunately, because in one sense, the applications companies were right. With the standard architecture, it was too expensive to go after them.

But with a different architecture, you have a chance. You have to do two things. First, you choose to be prosperous rather than Ellison-rich, so you can give yourself the time you need with the market. Second, the architecture has to establish a dominating advantage in the market.

Exhibit A for this kind of company is Interface Software. Interface is a CRM company that basically does contact management for certain special kinds of clients. For those clients and only for those clients, they have an edge.

Their market consists of companies that do relationship selling: law firms, investment banks, potentially insurance agencies and many others. Companies that do relationship selling need to be able to record and manage a much richer body of information about their clients than can be provided by the standard contact management applications, from ACT to SAP.

It's routine, for instance, in this market for a company to notify an employee, A, when B comes in as C's client (C is another employee), "Hey, B belongs to your country club; why don't you drop him a line." With Interface, they can actually do that automatically.

How do they do it? Most contact management systems model contacts using what I call the Holy Trinity--Contact, Opportunity, and Account. This model lets them say that contact A belongs to account B, which has indicated a desire to buy C. Interface has added a fourth element: Relationship. Their model allows them to say that contact A used to work for Person D, who might be an influencer for opportunity C. A general-purpose CRM package would never, ever model using this fourth element, because it complicates set-up and maintenance. But companies that live or die by relationships are willing to put in the effort to set up something like this and maintain it. For these companies--and there are a lot of them--Interface is their only reasonable contact management option.

Interface is profitable, takes in (our estimate) $17 million a year, and over the past few years has sold over half the big law firms in the country. They have no effective competition in this niche. Now, they're moving into other segments including venture capital and consulting. They expect (hope) to be up to $30 million in one or two years.

I consider this success.

A lot of companies that try to establish an architectural edge don't succeed, of course.

Sometimes their architectural advantage isn't significant (Click Commerce); sometimes they've got an architectural advantage, but the natural customers are hard to find and convince. (A company like ChannelWave, also in the PRM space, has this problem.) Sometimes the architecture just doesn't solve the problem. (There are any number of examples.)

But if you can solve the problem, create a barrier, and find the customers, you may grow slowly, but you'll have a nice business.

The Custom Solution Company

Another kind of best-in-breed player competes effectively in the established application areas because it can provide a higher-quality solution than the platform players, even when the platform players have roughly similar applications.

These "custom solution" companies usually provide applications to large companies, who consider the solution to be strategic. These large companies want and can afford a highly customized solution, one that works exactly the way they want. For a software project, they simply expect there to be significant process change, a fair amount of time, and some serious integration and modification. What they pay the best-in-breed player for is, essentially, a promise of success.

A sign that you're dealing with an effective custom solution company is that they'll tell you their biggest problem in a sales cycle is not competition from the platform player, but the internal IT organization, who want to build the application themselves (though sometimes on top of the framework that the platform player provides).

The best-in-breed companies succeed by showing that these IT organizations are wrong, essentially by providing so much specialized software, services, and knowhow that it becomes clear that they are better than IT at putting the solution together. Very often, time pressure is involved. The company needs need a specialized solution today, not tomorrow, and they don't have time to acquire the knowhow or build scratch.

Typically, the best-in-breed companies that can compete in this way have three things:

  • A software "engine" that seems very hard to build.
  • Knowhow about a hard technical problem that even business school graduates know is hard, like operations research, or optimization algorithms.
  • A track record of delivering highly scalable solutions.

Some of the companies who now play successfully in this way started out as TLA companies, and some still nourish dreams of ravishing success. Such companies typically overvalue their software and undervalue their knowhow and consulting capabilities; they regard themselves as forced into delivering custom solutions.

In my view, they should embrace this path, recognizing that they've built up some formidable intellectual property over the years. When they do embrace the situation, they recognize that their optimum strategy is to maximize the revenue from every engagement you do get. If they don't, they will typically lay off a lot of the work on consulting partners.

Several companies are succeeding with this model. A poster child right now might be Ascential, which makes ETL (extraction, translation, loading) software. An ETL tool is a necessary enabler for a data warehousing project; Ascential's software edge is that it can extract and cleanse extremely large volumes of data. Ascential is typically called in when a large company embarks on a big data warehousing project. The budget for these things will be $3-4 million, and the Ascential solution will get about 1/3 of that in software and services.

Companies in this space are in the software business--don't get me wrong. They wouldn't exist if they didn't have software that has been proven to work under demanding conditions. But the software edge is always a little treacherous. To maintain it, they end up on a treadmill. The large players are always building (or at least announcing) the features that these custom companies been using to differentiate themselves. The custom companies must continually respond, either by adding more features or by proving that the large players still haven't produced a truly scalable application that will be useful in these large projects.

In Ascential's case, this is indeed happening. Many big players (SAP, Siebel, to name just two) have announced ETL tools of their own that sound a good deal like what they provide. So far, the differences are still clear. Ascential is willing to cede low-end projects where the differences in capability matter less, because they can add features that make the large projects go even faster and more cost-effectively.

If the large players do succeed in catching up, it's a problem. The custom solution company will often go into a stall when the market perceives they've lost their edge. Sometimes, they do indeed die. But often enough, the market realizes that the edge is still there. The pendulum swings back; the people who tried out the platform players' software return to the custom solution players, and a new cycle starts.

The TLA Company

A third possibility for a best-in-breed vendor is to follow the time-honored recipe and invent an entirely new market that one can dominate.

These days, you see more TLA companies in hardware and infrastructure areas, but there are still occasionally new products on the application side.

Very occasionally.

It's hard to make a go of this for the reasons that we've described above. Most of the time, the area isn't "real," and if it is, it often takes so much time and effort to teach the potential customers that you go broke. If, in spite of all this, you prove the market, then you have to cope with the platform players.

The software exception that perhaps proves this rule is Ariba. Ariba has been selling ESM (enterprise spend management) the last couple of years, and I think they may actually make a go of it. They seem to have established the space and trained the customers, and despite fierce competition from the large players, they still seem to have a significant edge in the space.

They had a couple of advantages. First of all, ESM, or what B2B calls "sourcing," really is an area of business that is poorly automated now and can do with some software support. Second, they have quite a bit of cash and some other products to sell while they try to educate the market. And third, they their products are pretty good, outstripping even the best-in-breed competitors.

Another TLA company that is succeeding, though it's in the early stages, is Jim Green's new software venture, Composite Software. They serve something they call the EII (Enterprise Information Integration) space. Essentially, they provide an infrastructure tool that allows people to view cleansed information that is melded together from many different sources in real time. Analytic applications do this, but not in real time. The reason this problem is hard is so arcane that I won't even try to describe it.

Under the old rules, success in a TLA area was supposed to make you rich beyond the dreams of avarice, as you pressed more CDs and minted money. With a TLA solution, as opposed to a solution to a business problem, there is supposed to be broad horizontal appeal. The software solves a variety of problems for a variety of different companies.

The companies show no real signs so far of hitting that exalted plateau, but in both cases the potential for horizontal appeal does exist.


Over the next couple of months, I'm going to talk about several software vendors in more detail. Most of them, I like and think can do well, even in the current climate. They are, I believe, living proof that best-in-breed is not dead.

Bear in mind, though, that I am willing to call "successful" companies whose story would have made them a laughingstock during the dot-com, companies that still would be very unattractive to most venture capitalists. For me, they're successful if they're profitable, likely to survive and grow, and building up an annuity. It's not much, I know.

But it's all I ask for little B2B Analysts, Inc., after all.

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